Surkis leaves Ukraine in the first days of the war – the media

Entrepreneurs and presidents of FC Dynamo Ihor and Hryhorii Surkis left Ukraine.

UP sources reported this.

Fans released their address on the evening of March 14. In it, they claim that the Surkis brothers left Ukraine in the first days of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine.

UP sources in business circles have confirmed that neither Ihor nor Hryhoriy Surkis are currently in Ukraine.

In addition, Dynamo fans were outraged that none of them made a statement or appeal to the club's fans or Ukrainians in general, and did not clarify their position on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

After that, on the afternoon of March 15, the official website of FC Dynamo published an interview with Ihor Surkis, in which he assured that he condemned the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and supported the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"As for my personal position, I prefer to talk less and do more. But if we need to talk more, there are no problems: our neighbor, the Russian Federation, has carried out a gratuitous, brutal military aggression against Ukraine. The civilian population, infrastructure, and our military are being destroyed. Now our whole country is a hero!" said Ihor Surkis.

In an interview, Surkis assured that he financially supports the efforts to evacuate women and children from areas where active hostilities are taking place, and supports the desire of all those involved in the club to participate in the defense of Ukraine.

In addition, Hryhoriy Surkis was not seen in the session hall and on the sidelines of the parliament during the extraordinary sittings of the Verkhovna Rada on March 3 and 15.

At the same time, the Verkhovna Rada's website shows that Surkis was registered in the Rada system on February 24 during a meeting at which they voted for martial law.


Hryhorii Surkis (72 years old) is a People's Deputy from the Opposition Platform – For Life faction and is the Honorary President of the Football Federation of Ukraine.

Ihor Surkis (63) has been the president of Dynamo football club since 2002.

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