Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, announced this on Twitter.
"Let's continue tomorrow. A very difficult and vicious negotiation process. There are fundamental contradictions. But there is definitely room for compromise. During the break, work will continue in subgroups," Podoliak said.
The fourth round of talks between Ukraine and Russia began on March 14. After discussions, the parties went on a technical break until March 15. Negotiations resumed on Tuesday.
On February 28, the Ukrainian and Russian delegations held the first round of talks in Belarus and traveled to their capitals to consult on further solutions. Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the OP, noted that negotiations between the delegations were difficult, but without any mandatory ultimatums.
On March 3, the second round of talks between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations took place.
According to Podoliak, the Ukrainian delegation did not achieve the results it had hoped for in the talks with Russia. At the same time, the parties agreed to jointly provide humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians, as well as for the delivery of medicines and food to the sites of the fiercest fighting with the possibility of a temporary ceasefire for the period of evacuation.
During the third round of talks with the Russian delegation, which took place on March 7, the Ukrainian delegation received positive results in the context of humanitarian corridors logistics.
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