PACE supported the decision to expel Russia and requested that Ukraine be provided with air defense

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, despite Moscow's attempts to avoid punishment, decided to expel Russia and called on Ukraine to provide airspace protection.

This was reported by the EP.

The decision was made unanimously; 216 people voted in favor, 3 abstained.

During the consideration of the resolution, it was reported that Russia, realizing the inevitability of its exclusion, submitted an application for independent withdrawal to Strasbourg.

"But this doesn't stop our plans, doesn't interrupt the procedure," the PACE President commented on the attempt.

In the adopted document, the PACE recommends terminating Russia's membership in the Council of Europe due to incompatibility of its actions with the principles of organization. At the same time, given that Russia will formally remain a member of the organization until the end of this year, the PACE asks to speed up the consideration of lawsuits against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights.

Despite Russia's withdrawal from the organization, the PACE seeks to continue supporting non-governmental institutions that oppose Putin's dictatorship.

The decision directs the Council of Europe "to support and cooperate with human rights defenders, democratic forces, free media and independent civil society in Russia."

Funding is expected to be provided by other CoE members. The decision also proposes "strengthening the support of the Council of Europe, which has accepted a large number of Ukrainian refugees."

In addition, the PACE unanimously approved an amendment to officially recognize Transnistria as a zone of Russian occupation.

The PACE initially planned to reject all amendments concerning the establishment of a no-fly zone, the provision of military assistance to Ukraine, etc., explaining that the Council of Europe doesn't oversee security issues.

However, after a lengthy debate, the assembly also supported a compromise formula: the PACE called on all remaining states after Russia's expulsion to "consider increasing their assistance to Ukraine in its efforts to strengthen the defense of its territory, including its airspace, to reduce casualties and tragic the humanitarian consequences of Russia's war of aggression."

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