Latvian Saeima MP has decided to resign to become a volunteer fighter in Ukraine

The head of the legal commission of the Latvian Saeima, the leader of the Conservative faction Juris Jurašs, has applied to the parliamentary chancellery to resign, as he has decided to volunteer to defend Ukraine.

The national television and radio station LSM reported this.

"We say that Ukraine is now fighting not only for its freedom but also for ours, in particular for Latvia and the European Union. I believe it is our duty to do everything possible to contribute to our common victory," Jurašs said.

It is already known who will take his place in the Saeima from the New Conservative Party, actress, singer Ieva Akurātere.

According to the party's chairperson, Latvian Justice Minister Jānis Bordāns, she has agreed to work in parliament.


Latvian parliamentarian Juris Jurašs has been in Ukraine for a week, first in Lviv and then in Kyiv.

It is known that on Tuesday he remotely chaired a meeting of the legal commission of the Saeima, and on Thursday he organized the evacuation of Kyiv residents.

Jurašs graduated from the Latvian Police Academy and for several years headed the department in the Bureau for Prevention and Combating Corruption.

Since 2018, Member of the Latvian Saeima from the New Conservative Party, in the spring of 2020 he became chairman of the legal commission of the Saeima of Latvia, and also headed the parliamentary faction of the NLC.

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