To capture Kyiv, the Russians need to bring all available human resources there – Zhyrnov

The head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, General Mykola Zhyrnov, is convinced that the Russians must gather all available human resources and bring them to the capital in order to capture it.

He said this in an interview with NV.

"According to all military canons, in order to take over Kyiv, the enemy must create an inner and outer ring of encirclement. The forces of those who try to take Kyiv must be 5-7 times greater than those who defend themselves.

Troops within the inner ring must storm Kyiv, and troops within the outer ring must provide security from the liberating troops. Kyiv is a large city with a large infrastructure, home to more than 4 million people before the war. Currently, the city has an extremely large group of troops, so now to create a group of the enemy must gather all available human resources and bring them to Kyiv.

For example, during World War II, 2 million people and 42,000 artillery barrels were needed to storm Berlin. That is why it is extremely difficult to create such a group that would storm Kyiv, even for a country like Russia," Zhyrnov said.

Zhyrnov also noted that it was very difficult to fire, maneuver, provide ammunition, food, and fuel in the city. Russia also has a bitter experience of fighting in Chechnya and Syria.

According to the head of the military administration, there is an option that the enemy wants to surround Kyiv, hold a siege, and make political demands.

Zhyrnov also said that the air defense in the capital "allows you to perform defense tasks," and is replenished and strengthened every day.


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