Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the Office of the President, wrote about this on Twitter.
"Once again. Negotiations are continuing non-stop in the format of video conferences. Working groups are constantly working. A large number of issues need constant attention. On Monday, March 14, there will be a negotiating session to sum up the preliminary results," he wrote.
Earlier, according to Podoliak, the delegations agreed not to comment on the content of the talks until all key positions are agreed upon.
He also stressed that the agreement between Russia and Ukraine should be "multicomponent."
"It should include several positions. First, the positions concerning the cessation of the war itself.
The second point is the procedure, the speed of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine according to the temporary parameters.
The third part is a peace agreement. How peace will be guaranteed. And here we return to the key point around which everything is being built: security guarantees for Ukraine, so that such situations don't happen again," Podoliak stressed.
Also in the talks, according to Podoliak, another, the fourth, component is being discussed.
Large-scale infrastructural damage in Ukraine and compensation from Russia are discussed.
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