Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk: Russian troops destroyed the airport almost completely

Russian invaders almost destroyed Ivano-Frankivsk airport infrastructure as a result of missile strikes

Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv spoke about this on national television, Rubryka reports.

"Our airport infrastructure is being annihilated. It is almost destroyed. And this is the third attack on the airport.

The enemy is now aiming at the airport, the third time has already been struck. Fortunately, according to preliminary information, there are no victims.

The enemy wants to sow additional panic, so he beats Western Ukraine, beats Western cities because they understand that today Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, and Ternopil region are the rear of Ukraine, where many people move, so they want to sow more panic."

Martsinkov also noted that this time "there was an alarm for almost 2.5 hours, then they stopped, and literally, 10 minutes later the rockets began to fall."

According to the mayor, after the first blow in the manual mode, they gave an air alarm, but this is the second time when the alarm does not work.

The mayor also asked residents not to publish information about the location of the explosions on social networks, so as not to help the enemy.


On the morning of March 13, the Russian occupiers struck at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport for the third time since the beginning of the war.

They also attacked the Lviv region for the first time: they fired 8 missiles at the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security (Yavoriv Military Range) in the village of Starychi, near the border with Poland.

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