“EU and NATO threat”: Croatian PM discusses UAV crash in Zagreb

The Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, believes that the fall of the drone in Zagreb is a clear threat to the EU and NATO.

This was reported by Dnevnik.hr.

According to Plenković, the investigation is currently being completed at the site of the unmanned aerial vehicle accident in Jarun, near the city of Zagreb.

He said the drone had passed Romanian, Hungarian, and Croatian airspace. It is possible that it was launched from the territory of Ukraine, from Crimea.

"There are several restaurants, apartment buildings, a dormitory with 4.5 thousand students. Fortunately, no one was injured. About forty cars were damaged in the parking lot," said the Croatian Prime Minister.

Plenković also noted that this event was a threat to the EU and NATO. He called for intensified cooperation.

"It could have happened in another capital, not only in NATO but in the EU as well. It could have been Budapest, Bratislava, or Ljubljana. We need to step up cooperation to inform the country in time about something like this. Was it accidental or intentional? We still don't know," said the Croatian prime minister.

"We cannot tolerate this situation, and it must not happen. It was a clear and unequivocal threat that needs to be addressed. We must take care that this incident does not happen again. We do not downplay this incident, we will speak to all NATO bodies and provide evidence at all levels," Plenković said.

The Prime Minister of Croatia said that the drone was moving very fast, it was not noticed even in Romania.

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