09:20 12 Mar 2022

Russia will pay a heavy price if it uses chemicals - Biden

US President Joe Biden has warned that Russia will pay a "heavy price" if it uses chemical weapons in Ukraine

CNN reports.

As Biden said, "I'm not going to talk about intelligence, but Russia will pay a heavy price if it uses chemicals."

To date, the United States has not provided any evidence that Russia plans to use chemical weapons in Ukraine.

But the White House, including spokeswoman Jen Psaki, has warned that the weapons could be used in war.

She also noted Russia's "long and well-documented experience in the use of chemical weapons," as well as its model of "accusing the West of the same violations as Russia itself."

To recap, the United Nations has stated that it has no evidence that Ukraine has a biological weapons program, while Washington and its allies have accused Russia of spreading unproven statements as a possible prelude to carrying out its own biological or chemical attacks.

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