The Suspilne reported this.
As noted, the penultimate competition day took place at the 2022 Paralympics. Medal competitions were held in four disciplines, including cross-country skiing, where Ukrainian parachutists also competed.
"The eighth competition day of the 2022 Paralympics ended with three awards for Ukraine. The winner of the gold medal was Oleksandra Kononova, who had previously won silver in para biathlon.
Thanks to medals on the penultimate day of competition, Ukraine has already broken the record for the number of awards won in one Paralympics. Now Ukraine has 28 medals," the statement reads.
Following the results of eight competitive days of the 2022 Paralympics, Ukraine continues to be in second place in the medal standings.
Ukrainians are ahead of Canada, by two gold medals.
China won the overall standings of the 2022 Paralympics ahead of schedule. Before the final day of the Games, the Chinese Paralympians have 18 gold medals and are unattainable for all competitors.
Medal standings of the 2022 Paralympics (top 10):
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