Google will add an air alert for all Android phones

Google, in cooperation with the Ukrainian government, is implementing an air alarm notification system for all Android phones in Ukraine

This was reported in the Google blog.

According to the article, "Our Threat Analysis Group has been focusing on the safety and security of our users in Ukraine and the surrounding region, to help them access and share important information."

"We have all seen the pictures of the unfolding humanitarian and refugee disaster in Ukraine. 

To help the increasing number of refugees in the region, we are developing ways for businesses to flag if they are providing services to refugees. Beginning today, hotel owners in countries neighboring Ukraine can indicate on their Business Profile whether they're offering free or discounted accommodations for refugees. 

And local businesses can post to their Business Profile on Search and Maps to offer various services and aid to refugees from Ukraine, "the company said.

"Tragically, millions of people in Ukraine now rely on air strike alerts to try to get to safety.

At the request, and with the help, of the government of Ukraine, we've started rolling out a rapid Air Raid Alerts system for Android phones in Ukraine," added Google.

The system is based on an earthquake warning mechanism, explained Dave Bjork, vice president of Android engineering.

The update was launched on March 11, Ukrainian Android smartphones will receive it in the next few days.

Google will take air alert data from the Ukrainian state warning system.

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