
It’s better to be at home than to become a “cargo 200”: Danilov warned Belarusians

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov says that Ukraine is ready for the fact that Belarusians can join the Russian war against Ukraine, but warns that it is better for them to stay at home.

Danilov declared it in a joint air of TV channels on March 11, the UP reports.

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council confirmed that there was a provocation of Russian planes on the border between Ukraine and Belarus on Friday.

According to Danilov, in order not to provoke the Republic of Belarus to open aggression, Ukraine "is holding back as best it can." But if at least one Lukashenko soldier crosses our border, the Ukrainian army will immediately fight back.

"We are in control of the situation now. We understand that it is a dangerous situation for us if the Belarusians join the Russians. But we will be ready for that, and I warn all Belarusians, it is better to stay at home than to go home as a cargo 200, as a large number of Russian soldiers are being sent now," he said.

Earlier, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported a provocation.

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