Occupiers mined Kakhovka Reservoir coast

According to Energoatom, the Russian invaders mined the coast of the Kakhovka Reservoir, which borders the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

As Rubryka reports, Energoatom reports about it in Telegram.

"Russian occupiers who seized the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant mined the coast of the Kakhovka Reservoir, which borders the nuclear power plant," the statement said.

In addition, according to Energoatom, the invaders are discussing intentions to direct electricity generated by the nuclear power plant to the temporarily occupied Crimea and Donbas.

The company said that in fact, it is physically impossible to do.

As reported, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has resumed repair work on Unit 1, but due to the occupation of the NPP site and the surrounding area by Russian troops, it is currently impossible to deliver the necessary spare parts and personnel.

Zaporizhzhia NPP and the city of iniquity have been under the control of Russian military units for six days now. There are two power units of Zaporizhzhia NPP in the network.

Two 750 kV high-voltage lines remain disconnected due to damage: Zaporizhzhia and South Donbas. Operational personnel monitor the condition of power units and ensure their safe operation in accordance with the requirements of the operating documentation. There is a rotation of both operational and part of the day staff.

During the storming of ZNPP, artillery systems fired at the building of the training center, as a result of which part of the UTC premises burned down, some of the premises were damaged, as well as shells that did not explode.

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