The National Police reported this.
"More than 2,000 citizens and nursing homes were evacuated from Bucha: Kyiv Region police met the first humanitarian convoys from the occupied city.
The second stage of the large-scale evacuation of citizens from Irpin, Vorzel, Bucha, Hostomel, and Borodianka is underway. Buses with evacuees arrive on the territory of the humanitarian camp near Kyiv.
More than 30 buses have already arrived from Bucha, delivering women, children, and guests of the nursing home," the statement reads.
The police noted that the evacuees were greeted with hot tea, a field kitchen was set up, and citizens were given warm clothes. Physicians and psychologists also work on site.
The rest of the buses are expected to arrive.
To recap, on March 9 occupiers didn't allow to take away people from Hostomel, Bucha, and Borodianka in an organized way.
Therefore, some people were forced to risk their lives to leave Bucha for Irpen and leave with a column of locals.
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