He wrote about this on his Facebook page, Rubryka reports.
Reznikov noted that "thousands of our citizens are already resisting in the territories temporarily occupied by the occupiers. Your contribution is huge!"
"The supply of fuel and ammunition to the Russian occupation forces is already significantly complicated. A lot of equipment has been destroyed. You have helped save many lives!
The next priority goal is Russian electronic warfare and electronic intelligence systems. Now in the war, a lot depends on modern technology. "Russia's EW and SIGINT systems must be destroyed," the statement said.
According to him, the Ukrainian army will destroy armored vehicles and enemy tanks.
However, the Armed Forces will gain an additional advantage over the occupiers if they lose their SIGINT and EW assets.
Photo: Defense Ministry
Varieties of Russian SIGINT and EW equipment that need to be destroyed
This equipment is used to track aircraft, drones, and missiles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to the Ministry of Defense, without it, the occupiers will become "blind" and vulnerable to missiles and airstrikes of the Armed Forces.
The Minister thanked the Ukrainians who have already destroyed the logistics of the Russian occupiers. Thus, the Russians were deprived of fuel and ammunition.
Reznikov also shared photos of Russian military equipment SIGINT and EW, which moves through Ukraine.
On March 4, Minister Reznikov appealed to Ukrainians in the enemy-occupied territories to destroy the rear support columns.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to Ukrainians in the occupied territories to unite and expel the enemy from Ukrainian soil.
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