The Minister wrote about this on Twitter.
"The only electrical grid supplying the Chornobyl NPP and all its nuclear facilities occupied by Russian army is damaged. CNPP lost all electric supply. I call on the international community to urgently demand Russia to cease fire and allow repair units to restore power supply," he said.
He noted that the backup diesel generators are designed for 48 hours of operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After that, the cooling systems of the spent nuclear fuel storage will be stopped, which will inevitably leak radiation.
"Putin's barbaric war puts entire Europe in danger. He must stop it immediately!" said Dmytro Kuleba.
On Wednesday, because of the actions of the Russian occupiers, the Chornobyl nuclear power plant was left without electricity.
The fighting continues, which currently makes it impossible to repair and restore power. The city of Slavutych is also without electricity.
Nuclear material monitoring systems at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant has stopped transmitting data to the IAEA.
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