Forte reported this.
"RBC, a TV channel that has focused mainly on economic news around the clock, has recently focused entirely on justifying Russia's military action in Ukraine. Among other things, all press conferences of the Russian Defense Ministry were broadcast," the newspaper said.
According to Telia Eesti spokesperson Raigo Neudorf, RBC is likely to be subject to the same restrictions as the channels banned on February 24.
An order issued on February 24 banned the retransmission of RTR Planeta, NTV Mir, and NTV Mir Baltika, Rossiya 24, Belarus 24, and TV Center International (TVCI), as they broadcast "in the context of the Russian president's speech or its part, which incites hatred against Ukrainians and justifies violations of international law and military attack."
RBC was not included in this list, but later its content began to be analyzed. The Office of Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision also monitors other Russian-language channels.
In addition, Perviy Kanal, Channel Five, 5TV (Petersburg – Channel Five), CTC Media, REN TV, and Channel 78, Dom Kino, Dom Kino Premium, Musyka Pervogo, Vremya, Telecafe, Bober, O!, Poyehali, Pobeda, Katyusha, and Karusel are closed in Estonia as they are controlled by the sanctioned bank Rossiya.
According to Forte, the distribution of Russian media content on the Internet has not yet been restricted in Estonia.
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