13:02 09 Mar 2022

Energoatom explains the threat of Chornobyl de-energization

About 20,000 spent fuel assemblies are stored at the spent nuclear fuel storage facility-1. They need constant cooling, which is possible only in the presence of electricity.

Energoatom stated this.

If there is no power supply, the pumps will not cool down. As a result, the temperature in the holding pools will increase, soaring and release of radioactive substances into the environment will occur.

The wind can transfer the radioactive cloud to other regions of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and Europe.

Ventilation will also not work at the facility. All personnel there will receive a dangerous dose of radiation.

The fire extinguishing system also does not work, and this is a huge risk in the event of a fire that could occur due to a missile.

Fighting is currently underway, making it impossible to carry out repairs and restore power.

It is noted that the city of Slavutych is also without electricity.


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