The mayor Serhii Sukhomlyn informs about it on, Rubryka reports.
"A rocket and bomb attack has just been carried out on Korbutovka, on the dormitory. It has been completely destroyed."
According to the mayor, the dormitory is inhabited by ordinary people, some of whom are former servicemen who have served long time ago, so this house has nothing to do with military infrastructure.
"When we say military unit or another strategic object, for some reason they do not succeed with those blows. Ordinary Zhytomyr residents have been living in this house for 20 years. Yes, they are former retirees who served in the Soviet army. These people received apartments, have been living for many, many years. A little later, information about the number of victims. God let there be none. God, let people make it. We pray for this. Hold the fort," said the mayor.
Authorities are gathering information on possible victims of the bombing, and one person is currently being injured.
The Russians also struck at the Izovat plant, which produces insulation for homes.
"I understand that the Izovat plant is a very important enterprise for Russia because this plant actually produces about 70% of all rock wool in Ukraine. We will provide other information. Hold the fort. So far it has been confirmed that one person is injured, it's the current information. We'll pray that everything will remain at this level," Sukhomlyn said.
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