The UN ensures it considers Russia’s attack a “war,” but there may have been attempts to ban the word

The United Nations denies that its staff members were ordered not to use the word "war or invasion" to refer to Russia's attack on Ukraine.

This was stated in an email to the Guardian by UN spokesperson Stefan Dujarric, the EP reports.

Dujarric stressed that this was "simply not the case when employees were instructed not to use words such as 'war' and 'invasion' to describe the situation."

He also pointed to a recent tweet from UN Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, which read "this war is nonsense."

"Similarly, the Secretary-General has used a wide range of words in his statements and comments to the press to describe what is happening," Dujarric said.

He also said that the staff "are asked to draw up any reports on Ukraine, as well as on other political issues, in a way that is in line with the position of the UN and the statements of the Secretary-General."

He stressed that he could not rule out that such an e-mail could have been sent by the head of a UN office, but so far it has not been brought to his attention.

Other UN staff contacted by the Guardian did not receive such a ban by e-mail.

The United Nations has responded to a statement from the Irish Times saying it had banned its staff from using the words "war" or "invasion" to avoid offending Russia.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba accused the UN of censorship after information about an order not to call the Russian attack "war."

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