This was stated by Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko, the press service of the Ministry of Energy reports.
As he noted, the synchronization process is in its final stages.
"Technical preparations for the synchronization are nearing completion. It should be completed within the next few days. We expect our accession to take place in the next week," the minister stressed.
At the same time, Halushchenko hopes that Europe will also follow the path of energy independence and give up, in particular, Russian gas.
"We have warned that Russia is using gas as a weapon. And today these weapons are already on our streets … Europeans just have to make decisions. They just have to give up buying Russian gas and oil. There are opportunities for diversification," he added.
Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko said Kyiv aims to integrate into the EU's electricity system, known as the ENTSO-E transmission network, this month, as the invasion means Ukraine will no longer connect to Belarus or Russia.
The European Commission and the Association of European Electricity Networks have agreed to begin the process of Ukraine's emergency accession to the EU's single energy grid and expect the process to take several weeks.
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