Photo: from open sources
This is stated in a statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, according to
And Poland asks the United States to provide replacement aircraft.
"The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the Government, are ready to immediately and for free deploy all their MiG-29 aircraft at Ramstein Air Force Base and hand them over to the United States Government," the statement said.
At the same time, Poland is asking the United States to provide it with aircraft to replace it with the appropriate operational capabilities.
"Poland is ready to immediately establish the terms of purchase of aircraft," the statement said.
The Polish government is also asking other NATO allies armed with MiG-29 aircraft to do the same.
To recap, earlier the White House confirmed that the USA discusses with Poland a possibility to provide fighter jets to Ukraine.
These are Soviet fighters, such as the MiG-29, on which Ukrainian pilots have already been trained to fly.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was looking for ways to quickly replenish Polish fighter jets so that Poland could provide Ukraine with its own warplanes.
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