08:41 07 Mar 2022

Ukrainian Armed Forces liberated Chuhuiv city in Kharkiv region

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released information on the Russian invasion as of the end of the day on March 6, which refers to the elimination of two lieutenant colonels of the Russian army.

This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.

"The enemy continues the offensive operation against Ukraine, focusing on the encirclement of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, and Mykolayiv, reaching the administrative borders in Luhansk and Donetsk regions, creating a land corridor with the Crimean Autonomous Republic in the direction of Mariupol – Novoazovsk," the statement says.

The enemy group began to accumulate resources to storm Kyiv.

At the same time, the occupiers did not stop trying to prepare for the offensive in the Polissia, Sivershchyna, Donetsk, and Tavria directions.

In the Polissia direction, the enemy is trying to establish full control over the cities of Bucha and Irpin and get closer to the capital of Ukraine.

In the area of ​​the city of Irpin, the enemy is advancing tank and motorized infantry units.

From the territory of the Republic of Belarus through the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone the supply of fuel and other material means for the occupying forces continues.

In the northern direction, the occupiers are trying to provide a tactical advantage to reach the eastern outskirts of Kyiv through Brovarsky and Boryspil districts, as well as to establish control over the cities of Chernihiv and Sumy.

After the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted fire damage on the places of accumulation of the enemy's weapons and military equipment in the areas of Nova Basan and Skrypali, the enemy suffered significant losses, redeployed additional forces to replenish manpower and equipment.

In the Tavria direction, the occupiers are conducting an offensive with forces of up to three battalion tactical groups in the direction of the city of Zaporizhzhia. The enemy managed to restore the movement of trains on the Antonov railway bridge across the Dnieper.

In addition, the advance of enemy units in the northeastern direction along the Ingul River continues. BTGr forced the river and occupied n.p. Kashpero-Nikolaevka.

The Defense Forces continue to conduct a defense operation in the South, East, and North.

In the course of hostilities, the city of Chuhuiv was liberated.

The occupiers suffered heavy losses in personnel and equipment.

Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Safronov, Commander of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, and Lieutenant Colonel Denis Glebov, Deputy Commander of the 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, were annihilated.

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