Photo: OPU
An adviser to the head of the Office of the President Mikhailo Podoliak stated this in an interview with Russian journalist Julia Latinina.
"He will not leave Kyiv. He is a reckless man, in a good way. He is not afraid. He believes that he should be in the heart of the country," he said.
Podoliak also commented on foreign media reports of attempts to assassinate Zelensky. According to him, the presidential counterintelligence is constantly monitoring the situation.
"The Times reported two attacks. I think there were actually a lot more of them because the number one goal in the first three days was the same. The main goal was to put external pressure on Kyiv, enter it, and destroy Volodymyr Zelensky. But the General Staff of the Russian Federation failed, and now it makes no sense," he said.
According to the adviser to the head of the Office of the President, Vladimir Putin has absolutely no understanding of the internal situation in Ukraine and has misconceptions about the President of Ukraine. Podoliak also criticized Russia's intelligence and counterintelligence, which "told Putin tales."
"Our president is a man who has a strong backbone; he is ready to withstand any blow. He won't break under the influence of any external factors," he said.
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