"Everything will be as Ukraine needs it": Podoliak says a few minutes before the talks
Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the Office of the President, said that the talks would start minute by minute.
He wrote about this on his Twitter.
"In a few minutes, we will start talking to representatives of a country that seriously believes that large-scale violence against civilians is an argument. Prove that this is not the case. Don't pay attention to various toxic names like Yanukovych, Boiko, Muraiev, whom Russians are foolishly bringing," Podoliak said.
He also stressed that everything will be as Ukraine needs it.
За кілька хвилин почнемо розмовляти з представниками країни, яка всерйоз вважає, що масштабне насильство над мирним населенням – це аргумент. Доведемо, що це не так. Не звертайте уваги на різні токсичні прізвища на кшталт Янукович, Бойко, Мураєв, які тягнуть по дурості росіяни. pic.twitter.com/t6tOqrHzFv
— Михайло Подоляк (@Podolyak_M) March 7, 2022