EIB: 640 million euros will be transferred to Ukraine’s budget from other projects

The European Investment Bank will transfer 639 million euros from other projects to the state budget of Ukraine

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said this in a video address.

"We are negotiating financial assistance with all international organizations and countries. According to the latest decisions, the European Investment Bank will transfer 639 million euros from other projects to the state budget of Ukraine. We have already approved the necessary documents," Shmyhal said.

He also reminded that funds had recently been set up in Ukraine, the funds of which would be used to rebuild Ukraine.

The government has already authorized the relevant ministries to open four accounts with the National Bank.

They will be credited with funds from individuals, organizations, companies, international financial organizations.

"We are talking about the Fund for Economic Recovery and Transformation, the Fund for Support of Small and Medium Business, the Fund for the Restoration of Property and Destroyed Infrastructure.

Here we are talking about homes, apartments, and the housing that people have lost. In fact, this fund will also provide such compensation items. As well as the Public Debt Service and Repayment Fund," Shmyhal said.

In addition, the head of government said that the martial law economy requires clear planning of needs.

Therefore, the state has already begun to place government orders at enterprises to meet the most critical needs.

It's not just about weapons, but also about food, medicine, fuel, and other important goods.

The Prime Minister added that the government had already restricted the export of a number of socially important goods and raw materials from which they are made.

Control over food security is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Economy.

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