Cabinet of Ministers explains what to do with occupiers’ bodies

The Cabinet of Ministers has determined the procedure for ensuring the collection of the bodies of the fallen occupiers.

This is stated in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 5.

It is noted that the resolution was adopted in particular to prevent the deterioration of the sanitary-epidemic situation and the emergence of dangerous infectious diseases in Ukraine caused by the presence of unburied bodies (remains) of the dead in the territories of hostilities.

According to the resolution, military administrations, together with local self-government bodies, organize the collection of bodies.

Military administrations ensure the formation of relevant special groups consisting of representatives of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces, the National Guard, the National Police, the SES, the Bureau of Forensic Medicine (by agreement), law enforcement investigators, public and religious associations (by agreement), NGOs by consent, volunteers (by consent) and others.

Special groups must be provided with pathological and anatomical bags for the collection and transportation of bodies, hygienic means and uniforms, and means of photo-fixation, specialized transport for the transportation of bodies. In the absence of specialized transport, existing transport with the conditional external markings "red cross on a white background" is used in order to ensure the safety of special forces personnel.

It is noted that during the collection of bodies, if possible, journalists are involved in video and photography of the processes of these activities to further inform about the real consequences of the military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

A special call center at the National Police is being set up to obtain operational information from the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies on the whereabouts of the bodies.

It is noted that the bodies are transported to the morgue, in case of impossibility, to another designated place of separate storage and then transported to a designated place of collection and storage and placed in special refrigerators at the railway base and/or refrigerated trailers.

After the accumulation of bodies in morgues or collection points, they are delivered to a single-center, from which they will be further transported to the final destination of the Russian Federation.

The transfer of bodies to the territory of the Russian Federation and the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine is carried out with the participation and assistance of representatives of international organizations (associations) only after the final identification of victims, which is carried out no more than 15 days.

Unidentified bodies (remains) of the dead remain in storage in refrigerators at their collection points until the victims are identified.

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