This was reported by the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure on Telegram, according to Rubryka.
According to the post, "An official response has been received from the International Union of Railways (UIC) on the suspension of the Russian and Belarusian railways from participation in the organization until peace is re-established in Ukraine.
The UIC reported they were monitoring the situation and expressed solidarity with Ukrainian Railways in a difficult time for the country".
In addition, on March 2, in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure sent official letters to the 11 largest and most influential world organizations in the field of aviation, sea, rail transport as well as construction and tourism.
Let's remind that since February 24, when Russia attacked Ukraine, a number of international organizations refused to cooperate with Russia, and many global companies left the aggressor country.
The International Union of Railways (Union internationale des chemins de fer) is a world association for trade and economic cooperation between the main parties in the international railway sector.
The union was founded in 1922 with headquarters in Paris and includes 204 members.
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