Kim said this in Telegram, Rubryka reports.
He believes that what happened in Kherson and Enerhodar means that the enemy simply doesn't have the resources to occupy the city.
This requires administrative staff, a fictitious referendum, and so on.
"It seems that they understand that they have no chance; any referendums on the barrels of machine guns in Ukraine are impossible.
Therefore, the threat of capturing the city is still decreasing," the statement said.
According to him, "not only the measures of our cities … are pro-Ukrainian patriots."
"The orcs have no options. Even if they do something by force, torture us for a long time, the residents are still Ukrainians. No one is going to live by Russian rules. The war united us against Russia…
We are now united, we work with all political forces. Everyone is in line, everyone hates Russians, they love Ukraine. Here, I think our position is only strengthening.
Kim stressed that he now understands that the Russian invaders "do what they can't."
Also adding that "with each day of fights, our army, in particular, our Mykolaiv regional army, becomes stronger and stronger," after all it is armed also at the expense of occupiers (the weapon and equipment taken away from them – Ed.).
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