The OPU announced this, Rubryka reports.
Zelenskyy is convinced that very soon it will be possible to say: "Come back, come back from Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and all other friendly countries, come back because there is no more threat."
"We are already thinking about the future. How to rebuild our cities, rebuild the economy. There is an agreement to allocate tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine for reconstruction, and these are only the first solutions," he said.
"We inflict losses on the occupiers that they did not see in their worst dreams. The Russian army did not reach the planned borders but reached almost 10,000 killed. It's scary, it's soldiers of 18-20 years old, almost children who couldn't even explain, why they are going to fight and why they are in a foreign land," Zelenskyy said.
"For our part, we are doing everything to make the agreement work. This is one of the main tasks today. Let's see if we can go further in the negotiation process," the President concluded.
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