16:39 05 Mar 2022

Ukrainian military destroyed Russian military equipment in the amount of 3 billion dollars - Forbes

During the war, the Ukrainian army destroyed Russian military equipment worth 331.2 billion rubles, or about $3 billion.

This is stated in the assessment of Forbes Ukraine.

Among this equipment are 33 aircraft, 37 helicopters, 251 tanks, and 939 armored fighting vehicles (AFV). In particular, the destroyed tanks cost Russia $1 billion; AFV, $0.6 billion; aircraft and helicopters together, $1.1 billion.

It is noted that this cost is approximate: Forbes took the cost of a unit of equipment in open sources. For example, the price of the tank is estimated at $4 million, at which price Russia supplied tanks to Algeria in 2006.

It is unknown at this time what planes were shot down. Among those used by Russia, the Su-25 is for 11 million dollars; Su-30 for 33 million dollars; Su-34, 36 million dollars. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also shot down two large IL-76 landing planes near Valkovo and near Kropyvnytskyi. The cost of each is $86 million.

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