In Melitopol, despite the threat of humanitarian catastrophe, people go to rally against the occupier, the mayor says

The mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov stated that the situation with food and medicine was difficult in the city, but despite all this, the residents of Melitopol go to rallies against the aggressor every day

Fedorov announced this on the air of the national telethon

"Every day the residents of Melitopol go to pro-Ukrainian rallies. This was probably the fourth rally. Today there will be another one.

There was one incident at a rally when the Russian military fired on a protester. After that, I appealed to the residents not to approach the military, so that we could save the lives of civilians.

Every day more and more people gather who want to defend their rights to life in the Ukrainian Melitopol. They go out, declare it, chant various slogans, sing the anthem," said the mayor of Melitopol.

He also noted that people with yellow and blue flags walk the central streets of the city and return to the square, because "they definitely don't want another country, they definitely don't want a regime where peaceful protesters will be shot."

There is a big food problem in Melitopol right now; people are scared and don't know what will happen tomorrow.

The medicines necessary for emergency treatment of patients are coming to an end, Fedorov emphasized.

According to the mayor, the biggest problem is to leave Melitopol by a humanitarian corridor.

Authorities appealed to various Russian servicemen, but they refused to build a humanitarian corridor.

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