This was written on his Twitter page by US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.
"Is there Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian army (German military, organizer of the assassination attempt on Hitler)? The only way this could end is for someone in Russia to remove this guy. You will do your country and the world a great service," he writes.
The Russian embassy has already reacted sharply to this tweet.
"It is unbelievable that a senator of a country that preaches its moral values as a 'guiding star' for all mankind could afford to call for terrorism as a way to achieve Washington's goals in the international arena. It is terrifying for the United States, which has such irresponsible and unprofessional politicians at its helm. We demand official explanations and strong condemnation of the criminal statements of this American," stated Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov.
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