According to Interfax, according to the relevant association, holidays in Turkey have become 80% more expensive, and in Egypt by 65%.
"The main reason for rising prices is the fall of the ruble against world currencies. Tour operators pay hotels in euros in Turkey and in dollars in Egypt.
The average check of a ten-day tour to Turkey with arrival in late February, including accommodation for two in a 3* hotel and insurance, was 73 thousand rubles. Options: 10 days, all-inclusive. For two. On March 3, such a tour cost at least 127 thousand. Prices for the most affordable offers increased by more than 80%," the association said.
Holidays in 4 and 5* hotels with the all-inclusive system in Turkey now cost from 77 thousand rubles and from 180 thousand rubles, respectively.
"A tour to Egypt with accommodation in a 3* hotel at the end of February could be bought for 81 thousand rubles for two, and in the coming days, it costs from 134 thousand rubles for two. The price increase was 65%," the association added.
At the same time, the association emphasizes that the so-called "hot tours," both in the direction of Turkey and in the direction of Egypt in the current conditions should not be expected.
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