He stressed this in a statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba.
He emphasized this in a statement to NATO countries, which was made available to the UP.
"Russia is trying to destroy Ukraine with the same tactics it used to destroy Syria. We must not allow this in the heart of Europe.
Our state is ready to fight, we continue to fight against the Russian invasion, but we need immediate help in repelling Russian attacks in the air.
If you don't do this, you will have to share the responsibility for the lives and suffering of the civilian population of Ukraine who die from rocket attacks on Russian planes," the statement said.
To recap, Kuleba has repeatedly called on NATO to take urgent measures to close the Ukrainian skies against Russian air attacks.
He also asked for the transfer of combat aircraft to Ukraine in order to effectively counter Russian military aircraft.
"Putin's war against Ukraine is developing in such a way that the time will come when NATO countries will be ready to provide Ukraine with literally everything to stop Russia from attacking the whole of Europe and turning the lives of European countries into horrors.
I want to believe that you will start acting decisively before it is too late," the minister concluded.
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