This is stated in the decision of the Court, which is available to the EP.
This is an unprecedented decision, for which procedures have not yet been provided.
It was adopted on March 2 at the request of the Ukrainian government.
It is noted that this request came from the Ministry of Justice on February 24, the first day of the Russian invasion.
In it, Kyiv asked to "suspend consideration of cases concerning Ukraine."
The ECtHR applied even broader concessions in its decision.
The trial will be suspended in "cases against Ukraine", not "in Ukraine."
This means that the study of documents, evidence, etc. in the case of Ukraine v. Russia, including the decision on the admissibility of the case against the Kremlin regarding violations in the occupied Donbas, will continue.
Ukraine will also have the opportunity to initiate new cases against the aggressor state.
The only type of case against Ukraine that can theoretically be considered is the application of urgent precautionary measures if initiated by citizens or another state.
All-time limits that were previously imposed on Ukraine (in relation to Kyiv's actions or responses) in current or old rights are abolished.
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