This was informed by the Kruty community, Rubryka reports.
As a result of the battle, the occupiers suffered a "tremendous defeat."
According to community members, after the battle, the corpses of nearly 200 dead Russian soldiers and officers were gathered throughout the district.
They were collected and taken to the Sumy region.
Before the battle, the occupiers fired at the Memorial to the Heroes of Kruty and were photographed against its background.
"104 years later, Ukrainians and Russians fought again. This time, the Russian army suffered a crushing defeat here," the statement said.
To recap, Kruty is a symbol of the struggle for Ukraine's independence.
In 1918, a battle took place here between the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Bolsheviks, who attacked Kyiv.
Then the Ukrainians were forced to retreat. But at the cost of numerous casualties, the enemy was detained, which gave the UPR time to sign the treaty in Brest.
This time the Ukrainian army repulsed a column of enemy equipment consisting of 800 units.
On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in a video message that a "special military operation" against Ukraine had begun. Explosions erupted in a number of Ukrainian cities.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi stated that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had ordered to inflict maximum losses on the occupiers.
On February 2, the SES reported more than 2,000 deaths, not counting our defenders. This is a preliminary estimate from the SES.
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