A chatbot to gather evidence for legal lawsuits against Putin launched in Ukraine

Ukraine has created a chatbot Tribunal.ua to collect photo and video evidence for legal lawsuits against Vladimir Putin.

This was reported by Tribunal.ua.

"TRIBUNAL.UA chatbot is collecting photo and video evidence for legal claims. Currently, every Ukrainian is a witness to the war. All cases of crime must be recorded and used legally in the international arena in order to see Vladimir Putin in The Hague," the statement said.

The bot is available at Telegram @tribunal_ua_bot.

To capture a crime, you need to get a camera and start filming:

Your face and name: your name, date, time, and exact place of shooting (geolocation)

Testimony of the wounded and injured with an indication of name and date of birth, contact details (address, telephone number)

Details of property damage (buildings, vehicles, other property)

Enemy details (equipment, enemy weapons, movement, personal data)

What to fix?

  1. Evidence of murder and violence of civilians or military personnel:


torture (beating, rape, mutilation)

hostage-taking or captivity

  1. Evidence of the use of weapons and military equipment of:

shelling from small arms, artillery, or air

use of firearms

movement and use of military equipment

  1. Evidence of robbery, seizure, and destruction of property of civilians and the state:

appropriation and destruction of property, transport, fuel

destruction of cultural monuments

  1. Personal data of the enemy:

personal data, documents, passports

call signs and pseudonyms

identification marks

All submitted info will be collected and used in the case against Russia.

Chatbot site


It is noted that first of all, the TRIBUNAL.UA chatbot will be needed by the territorial defense forces, which are always on the streets, but anyone can also use it.

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