Russian military exposed to considerable radiation in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – Energoatom

Energoatom reports that the Russian invaders are exposed to significant external and internal radiation in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

"The absurdity of the situation is added by the fact that the 'aliens' don't seem to realize that they are the most critical group. By lifting a layer of contaminated soil and dust with heavy machinery, following routes prohibited for movement, they caused a deterioration of the radiation situation in the exclusion zone, which was recorded by the automated radiation monitoring system and transferred to the system before the Internet cable was damaged. The total activity in the exclusion zone was not changed, and the radiation effects of the disturbance remained within its territory, except for radioactive contamination carried out on military equipment.

Being in the exclusion zone now and apparently not having the skills to ensure personal safety when working in radioactively contaminated areas, the invaders are exposed to significant external and internal radiation, which will undoubtedly have a stochastic manifestation in the form of cancer.

Ignorance and misunderstanding of dangers, disregard for rules, agreements, and conventions often lead to unfortunate suicide," the statement said.

The nuclear power plant is reassuring Ukrainians that facilities for the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel located in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone are protected from a number of threats.

The new spent nuclear fuel storage facility (SNFSF-2) meets the strength requirements to maintain wholeness in the event of a plane crash and air shock wave and withstands tornadoes and the impact of rigid objects moving with a tornado, similar to projectiles up to 200 mm. It is important that the SNFSF-2 is designed in such a way that the temperature effects of external fires on it are impossible. Even in the most severe case, if the protective barriers are breached, the radiation effects of such an accident will not extend beyond the exclusion zone.

Also, according to the project, in the case of destruction of assemblies with fuel output on either SNF-1 or SNF-2, it is impossible to exceed the allowable neutron multiplication factor, ie, the occurrence of a chain reaction.

To recap, on February 24 after the fierce fight the Russian military captured the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Опубліковано автором
Ksenia Omelchenko
Теги: War Russia ChNPP Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Chornobyl Zone

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