Pavlo Kyrylenko, the Head of the Donetsk Regional Military-Civil Administration reported on the evacuation.
He noted that a total of 496 people, including 100 children and 3 people with disabilities, had been evacuated from the Volnovakha and part of the Volnovakha district since the beginning of the Russian invasion.
Kyrylenko stressed that Russian troops have razed Volnovakha to the ground for the fifth day in a row.
"There is no water, electricity, or gas in the city. People are sitting in basements. The occupiers do not allow them to evacuate through the green humanitarian corridor. We use every opportunity to help people.
But we understand that the situation can be radically changed only after the Russian occupation forces cease artillery fire destroying the city.
I appeal to international humanitarian organizations to intervene and put pressure on the occupier to cease fire!", Kyrylenko wrote.
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