Oleksii Arestovych, a freelance adviser to the Head of the Office of the President said this during the "Together we are strong" live TV marathon, Rubryka reports.
"The hottest spots are in the north-western suburbs of Kyiv.
There is an accumulation of the enemy in the area of Makariv, on the Zhytomyr highway, where our artillery works.
The second hot spot is Kharkiv. Currently, there are artillery battles, enemy aircraft are working. Our army is fighting back.
There were no hot messages from Mariupol.
And Kherson, street fighting. These are the three main points on which both our and the enemy's efforts are now focused," Arestovych said.
As for the landing in the area of Odesa, Arestovich said that the storm in the Black Sea does not allow the enemy to conduct this operation.
As for the Belarusian army units that are supposed to be able to cross the border with Ukraine and go to war on Russia's side, Arestovych said:
"So far, at the official level, we see only the preparation, there is no reliable information that they have crossed over and are taking part in the fighting against Ukraine. There are some reports that need to be verified. We are checking."
As Rubryka reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine on February 24 and launched a large-scale invasion.
Russian troops target and destroy key infrastructure, missiles hit residential buildings. Martial law has been imposed in Ukraine.
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