The war in Ukraine united not only our citizens but also foreign companies that do business in Ukraine. The largest fast-food chains in our country, KFC and McDonald's, have started volunteering.
KFC kitchens work and make their specialties for military and civic hospitals, territorial defense, military. "KFC restaurants have opened their kitchens to cook for those who need it, namely military hospitals and civic hospitals, territorial defense, the military, etc. Now we are all one family helping each other, no doubt!" a KFC statement says.
McDonald's is also not far behind and provides local councils with food from restaurants that are in safe places.
"Representatives of local authorities take the products and distribute them where they are most needed. We transfer products that don't need cooking: rolls, donuts, desserts, cheese, milk, water, juices, tomatoes, slices of apples, as well as eggs, glasses, forks, spoons, stirrers," McDonald's reported.
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