This is stated in the comments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Foreign Ministry said that from February 28, all UN member states will be able to discuss in detail the situation around an unprecedented phenomenon for the 21st century, a full-scale war that the Russian Federation has launched in central Europe.
"The first result of this important session for our country should be the adoption of a UN General Assembly resolution with clear signals to end Russian aggression against Ukraine and restore peace by ceasefire and withdrawal of troops from Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, as well as several other important signals, including in the humanitarian field," the Foreign Ministry said.
Ukrainian diplomats noted that this step would no longer allow Russia, which has abused its veto power in the Security Council for years with impunity, to block the adoption of this important international document for Ukraine.
"We are also looking forward to the next meeting of the UN Security Council on February 28 to discuss the humanitarian needs of the civilian population in Ukraine," the Foreign Ministry said.
As reported, on Sunday, the UN Security Council supported the decision to convene a special session of the UN General Assembly on Monday to adopt a resolution to bring Russia to justice for its aggression against Ukraine. During the vote in the Security Council, only the Russian delegation spoke against it.
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