Iurii Ihnat, a spokesman for the Air Force Command, told LB.ua about this tactic of the occupiers.
They are doing this to prevent Ukrainian troops from firing back – because the downing of a plane over a nuclear power plant could lead to an environmental catastrophe.
"They fly over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, including over the protective structure of the 4th power unit, which stores radioactive waste. They attack infrastructure, both military and civilian. A similar situation is over ZNPP. They are launching missiles, and we should have shot them down, but we can't do that," Ihnat explains. – Because the risks of an accident at a nuclear power plant are too great. That is why it is very important that the IAEA and NATO member countries urgently consider closing the skies over Ukraine and creating a no-fly zone here".
Hundreds of tons of radioactive materials, including radioactive dust formed as a result of the Chernobyl accident, are stored under the protective structure built above the 4th ChNPP Unit. Zaporizhzhya NPP is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Iurii Ihnat noted that it is a question of security not only in Ukraine but in the whole region, as the actions of the Russian army can cause a catastrophe on a continental scale.
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