It was reported by UAF headquarters.
As noted, columns of armoured equipment of Russian aggressors have slowed the pace of advance into the territory of Ukraine. Enemy troops that do not receive timely resupply of fuel and ammunition are stopped.
The main tactic of the occupants remains the movement and capture of small towns, villages and roads. Thanks to the strong resistance of the civilian population, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and the National Police, the attempts to take control of major cities were unsuccessful.
The main goal of the enemy is to block the capital of our homeland, the city of Kiev. It remains unachieved.
The Russian occupants are turning to the active use of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, which are destroying civilian infrastructure and killing the civilian population of major cities.
Flouting the norms of international humanitarian law, the Russian aggressor defeated the Vasilkov oil base and destroyed the gas pipeline in Kharkiv.
The occupants continue to insidiously defeat multi-storey houses.
Military units and sub-units, mostly staffed by persons of Caucasian appearance with poor knowledge of the Russian language, are used to terrorize the local population.
They use targeted mailing of threatening and panic messages.
Over 24 hours, the Russian occupants used ballistic and cruise missiles in Kyiv and other cities and used aircraft from the territory of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and the Republic of Belarus.
In the Mozyr district of Belarus, the invaders formed a strike group of Russian helicopter gunships to attack critical city infrastructure and our troops.
The use of Ukrainian railway infrastructure is prevented through the destruction of railway connections with the aggressor.
The combined forces are conducting a defensive operation, maintaining occupied positions along the boundary line.
The enemy is unsuccessful in any direction.
The casualties of the occupying forces at the end of the third day of armed aggression were as follows:
У Львові запрацював центр рекрутингу 38 окремої бригади морської піхоти 30 корпусу морської піхоти Військово-морських… Читати більше
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