
Slovakia proposes to create a special procedure for Ukraine’s accession to the EU

Slovakia proposes to the EU to create a new special procedure for Ukraine's accession to the European Union in order to help Ukraine get back on its feet and recover from the war in the future.

Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger stated this in an interview with Politico, "European Truth" reports.

The Slovak leader expressed regret over Russia's bombing of civilians in Ukraine and insisted on creating a new EU membership procedure for Kyiv.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky made a public address over the weekend on Ukraine's accession to the EU, saying that now is a crucial moment to decide on this. Slovakia, bordering Ukraine, is in favor of taking Kyiv's appeal in the European Unionseriously seriously.

"Thursday morning we woke up in a new world," Heger said. He explained that in connection with the war in Europe, it is now necessary to send a signal to Kyiv.

"They are fighting for themselves, they are fighting for us – they are fighting for freedom. We must understand that they are protecting our system, our values, and we must be with them. So there is no time to doubt this," Heger said.

The Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic proposes that a completely new approach of integration into the EU was created for Ukraine – "a whole new way" for the state, as it went through the war and "would you like to become a part of Europe."

Heger believes that this approach should also help restore Ukraine..

"We should  help them get back on their feet, and we have to come up with new tools," – having said, putting forward the idea of creating a fund for the restoration of Ukraine..

Heger stressed that Russia targeted Ukraine's infrastructure during the invasion, so "it will take a lot of investment to get the country back to the way it was a week ago."

Heger added that he was looking forward to "a thirst for reform in Ukraine like never before."

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