This was announced by Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko.
"I checked. I confirm. The traitor to Ukraine, Medvedchuk, escaped from house arrest. When we win, we will find the judge who decided to remove the bracelet from him and the Kyiv Territory Defence will have a heart-to-heart talk with him," Gerashchenko wrote on his Telegram channel on Sunday.
He added: "It will be more difficult with the traitor Medvedchuk, if he is not caught now, he will spend the rest of his life in the Russian Federation together with Yanukovych. By the way, Medvedchuk knew for sure that there would be a full-scale invasion, and therefore Oksana Marchenko hastily fled Ukraine through Belarus."
At the same time, according to the lawyer, Medvedchuk, suspected of treason, did not flee the country, but moved to a safe place.
She announced this in a comment to Ukrinform.
"I confirm that Viktor Vladimirovich Medvedchuk did not run away, as it is written, for example, on Mr. Gerashchenko's Facebook page, from the country, from Kyiv. He was moved to a safe place, since there is a real threat to his life," she said.
According to Cherednichenko, her client changed his place of residence because "radical civil movements" began to threaten him.
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