About this, as writes "Європейська правда", reports Reuters.
As the minister noted, she has already drawn up a "list of affected" Russian oligarchs.
Every few weeks, the government will target their private jets, their property and other assets, she said.
"If the Russians are serious about the idea of negotiations, they need to withdraw their troops from Ukraine. They can't negotiate with a gun at the Ukrainians' heads… So, frankly, I don't trust these so-called negotiating efforts," she said.
"I've compiled a list of oligarchs who will be affected… We're working on building cases and will be adding new oligarchs every few weeks. There will be a permanent sanctions program… They'll have nowhere to hide," Truss added.
But she noted that it would take time to destroy not only the Russian economy, but also its military potential.
"This can last for several years because we know that Russia has powerful forces, and we also know that the Ukrainians are brave and they are determined to defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity," the minister said.
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