The Minister of Defence of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov reported this on February, 26.
"If you see suspicious people who set up beacons, put marks, or cannot clearly explain the purpose of their stay in a certain place – detain them yourself or inform the Territorial defence. Detainees could be a source of useful information", he said.
The Minister separately addressed the people consciously cooperating with the Russian occupation forces, who could be misled by their promises to "earn".
"In 48 hours, Russian terrorists killed almost 200 civilians, including three children. Another 33 children were wounded. Under these circumstances, you may not be willing or able to be apprehended alive. Abandon criminal intent before it is too late," he stressed.
In addition, Reznikov appealed to the inhabitants of Ukrainian villages and small towns, as well as to all those who will come up with such a case: "If a column of Russian armored vehicles passed you – a column of fuel will follow after some time. Detain or burn it. Russian tanks will simply stop and our troops will capture them and use them against the enemy".
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