The decree goes as follows:
Due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and in order to ensure the defense of the state, maintaining combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, on the basis of the proposal of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, according to the 2nd part of the article 102 and points 1, 17, 20 of the first part of Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine I decree:
1) timely notification and arrival of citizens called up for military service, the arrival of equipment at assembly points and military units;
2) mobilization of conscripts, reservists for military service, their transportation to military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, State Special Transport Service, State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, other military formations of Ukraine;
3) temporary allocation of buildings, structures, land, transport, and other material and technical means, provision of services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service, the State Special Communications Service and protection of information of Ukraine and other military formations of Ukraine in accordance with mobilization plans.
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